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Incident management.jpg

Incidents are generally categorized by low, medium and high priorities. Low-priority incidents do not interrupt staff members, who typically can complete work despite the issue.


Medium-priority incidents are issues that affect staff members, but the disruption is either slight or brief.


High-priority incidents, however, are issues that will affect large amounts of  staff members.


An incident management system can be developed to manage any issue to staff members including IT, Health and Safety and any work related matter that can potentially stop the staff member carrying out their work and needs to be reported on to see what impacts to productivity this has caused.

Auto Apps Global Ltd has developed a solution to capture IT issues for a major Public Sector company, Lists of issues, assets and remedial actions are completely configurable by the customer so there is less reliance on us to make changes for them therefore reducing development costs.

This solution can be configured very quickly to fit in with your business requirements.

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